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Friday, December 27, 2013

Behind the Scenes

If anyone is interested in how I work in such a crowded space
as my bedroom, here is a look "behind the scenes".

The Sewing Area

Here is my sewing machine.

I sit on the edge of my bed
and draw the "sewing table"
close enough to be able
to work on it.

The sewing table
is one that I made a few years ago,
originally for a tv and
with a shelf underneath
for a dvd player.

You can see in this shelf I keep my "portable writing surface". I made this too, a few years ago.
It was originally to be kept at the top of a box with all my art equipment in it. But, it has become
indispensable as a portable writing surface for anything from letters, creative writing, to my art work.
I can quickly whip out this board, sit on the edge of my bed, and do whatever work on it I need to,
as I don't have room for a desk.

It is just a piece of plywood,
332.5mm x 452.5mm x 6mm,
which I varnished.

The Ironing Area

When I'm sewing something,
it is very handy for me to have
an area close handy
where I can press parts of the garment.

(Although, I have to use an ironing
board in the laundry for side seams.)

So, I put the board on my bed.


Then I lay over it,
a single bed sheet
that has been folded over
a few times,
smoothing it flat with my hands.    

I have the iron handy
close by, on the floor,
alongside the bed.

Then I'm able to press
the parts of the garment
that I need to as I sew.

Of course, I'm always moving things around to make room, but I do it slowly so that nothing gets broken.

(c) Katherine Stuart 2013

Saturday, December 14, 2013

A Business in a Bedroom

This one is for all those who have started their businesses in their bedroom !

I have just spent a week solid cleaning and re-organising my bedroom,
which also houses my business.

This is the scene from
my bedroom door.

This is what's under
the bed !

Now I have to spend
the next few weeks
sorting through
all the paperwork.

(c) Katherine Stuart 2013