Catalogue of Posts

Monday, October 31, 2016

Film - "Hacksaw Ridge"

I went to the Members Premiere
of the film, "Hacksaw Ridge"
at the Ritz Cinema
here in Sydney (Australia)
last night.

I don't normally swear,
but in the early part of the battle scenes
I said, "Shit !"
And honestly, I don't know where that came from,
but, the action was coming suddenly,
creating surprise and shock,
and it was consistent.

I think this is why
Mel (Gibson)'s
directorial (and direction of editing) skills
are being highly acclaimed here.
Apart from the fact that overall,
                                                                   the film is well constructed,
                                                                   effectively sequencing action,
                                                                   and in particular, battle action,
                                                                   is very difficult.

                                                                   (Yes, I am well aware
                                                                   that I look like a dork.
                                                                   It's my thing, I can't help it.
                                                                   I'm an accidental comedian
                                                                   on occasion)

(c) Katherine Stuart 2016

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Film - "Jack Reacher: Never Go Back"

she wasn't his daughter,
she could have been his cousin's daughter .......

text (c) Katherine Stuart 2016

Friday, October 21, 2016

The 2 Mels


I just want to pose this question,
for myself, and also for all those out there who might be interested,
but, I am very concerned about this practice of having a stand-in / photo double
to do all the promotional / public events for you.
I can understand why the industry employs such people,
as there is no way that you would have enough time
to actually do the film work,
and do all the promotional work as well.


I think that your current stand-in / photo double,
is doing your reputation some serious harm.

I've just been comparing a snapshot
of you from the episode of the
Australian television program,
"Sunday Night",
that aired on
Sunday  16 Oct 2016,
with a snapshot
of your stand-in / photo double,
apparently from the
Australian Premiere of your film
"Hacksaw Ridge" held on
Sunday  16 Oct 2016,
and I can see where the rumours
that you are still drinking
are coming from.

As you can see here,
the snapshot of you
                                                                                   in the "Sunday Night" interview,
                                                                                   shows that you look quite healthy,
                                                                                   with pink skin.

But, the snapshot of your double,
shows that he has yellowish skin,
which is a sign of liver dysfunction         (which can be a symptom
of alcohol damage).
And, is he sporting red bloodshot,
tired eyes,
like he is hung over  ??

And I don't think it is the difference
in light conditions,
as I have been looking at quite a few
images of both of you,
and he consistently has this
yellowish / brown coloured skin.

text (c) Katherine Stuart 2016
Dochas Books Film

Sunday, October 16, 2016

The MRI #3

Colour MRI

So, how cool is this !!

I was taking photos of the images that are on my MRI,
which are bluish,
and then I put some of them on a "Word" document,
clicked on an image,
clicked on "Picture Tools - Format",
clicked on "Corrections",
sharpened the image under "Sharpen and Soften", and,
increased the brightness under "Brightness and Contrast".

Then I thought,
well, I wonder what will happen
if I go into "Artistic Effects",
which I did.
And I applied the last effect
to the image above,
which is a colour enhancement,
and look at what came to light !!

This is so interesting.

The greenish colour shows areas
that have been subjected to lower level physical stress,
and have been permanently altered as a result.

But, the orange colour clearly shows areas
that have been subjected to high physical stress,
and have been permanently altered as a result.

The smaller line of orange
at the back of my head,
shows the site of a head injury
that I was given deliberately by my father,
when I was less than  2  months old.
And the other orange areas
are most likely from
the horse accident that I had when I was  19  yrs old,
and would explain the high tension
that I still have in my neck,
having feared realistically, after the accident,
that my neck was nearly broken.
But then, there could be more head injuries,
than the  5  that I am already aware of
(which can be seen in the MRI)  !!

(c) Katherine Stuart 2016
Dochas Books Film

Sunday, October 9, 2016

"Why I Love You"

"Why I Love You"

Rolling back the Mists of Time,
Reaching for that Paradigm,
Lost in History,
That's Mine.

Bringing it all back to Life,
So, wanting to be your wife,
Dealing with all,
That Strife.

Understood the Celtic Race,
Putting on the Celtic Face,
Blue on blue forbode,
The Mace.

Leading all to rise again,
Strength of purpose can atain,
Wiping out for good,
The Pain.

text (c) Katherine Stuart 2016

(This poem is meant for Mel Gibson,
the actor/director/film producer/
television executive/screenwriter)

Monday, October 3, 2016



Firstly, I have to say,
that the pizza was delicious !!

And what a great long weekend !!
(Labour Day weekend, Australia)

But, I have to apologise for what I said to you,
when I was in Penrith.

I should not have taken my anger out on you,
and blamed you,
for the situation that I found myself in.

Firstly, it's not a good idea to get angry with anyone.

Secondly, the situation was not because of you,
I see that now.

I was upset, because I didn't understand,
why you weren't helping me.
But, I understand now.

So, I am sorry for treating you in that way.

text (c) Katherine Stuart 2016

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Very Low Tide

I don't know what low tide
looks like normally
(at Coogee Beach, Sydney, Australia),
but today at  1.30pm  AEST
(Australian Eastern Standard Time)
it looked a lot lower than usual.

A friend has also told me
that it's new moon,
at the moment.

So, maybe this is why.

The wind was also very strong,
and cool,
going out to sea,
                                                                                       such that the waves coming into the beach
                                                                                       were like a ripple.

                                                                                       The sea was so calm,
                                                                                       and the bottom of the sea
                                                                                       could be seen easily.
                                                                                       Making me feel that on days like this,
                                                                                       that I was in the Mediterranean !

(c) Katherine Stuart 2016