Catalogue of Posts

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Mel's Achievements


I have to congratulate you
on all your achievements
up to date,
including all the awards
you have won,
which are many more
than I am aware of !!

I think that you have earnt every one,
considering the adversity
that you have faced and still do,
to bring what you feel
                                                                                       to the world's attention,
                                                                                       whether that be your own personal
                                                                                       trials and tribulations,
                                                                                       or, inspiring global concepts.
                                                                                       All of which give us understanding
                                                                                       and hope in you as a person,
                                                                                       but also, a belief in life.

                                                                                       So, I salute you, Mel.

                                                                                       You are a leader among men.
                                                                                       I love you with all my heart,
                                                                                       and always have done.

("Mel" refers to Mel Gibson, actor/director etc)
text (c) Katherine Stuart 2017

Monday, February 27, 2017

Oscar Congratulations !!

Congratulations to you Mel,
and to your sound and editing guys
who worked with you on the film
"Hacksaw Ridge",
winning an Oscar each for
"Best Sound Mixing" and
"Best Film Editing" !!  

I love you............*kiss*

text (c) Katherine Stuart 2017

Friday, February 24, 2017

The Art of Cooking


I've had Laksa, and I love spicy.
I would love to taste what you cook.
I'm pleased to know,
that you love to cook that much.

I'm keen to put my last year's study
on basic cooking techniques
into practice,
and would love to do this
                                                                                     in a well equipped home kitchen  :)

text (c) Katherine Stuart 2017 

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Pennywort / Gotu Kola


I've noticed that all the electric shocks
that you've been subjected to,
have weakened your nervous system,
which in turn adds to your anxiety.

I'm finding that,
the Pennywort plant,
also known as Gotu Kola,
(and many other names),
is very good at strengthening
the nervous system,
and also gets rid of a lot of germs !!

I really think you should start taking this
on a regular basis.

Obviously fresh is best,
                                                                                       as I've been cutting up
                                                                                       a medium to large sized leaf,
                                                                                       putting it in a cup,
                                                                                       filling the cup with boiling water,
                                                                                       waiting for it to cool a bit,
                                                                                       then drinking the whole thing, leaf and all,
                                                                                       morning and evening.

                                                                                       But, that's going to be difficult for you,
                                                                                       as you travel so much.
                                                                                       it can be bought as capsules,
                                                                                       under the name of "Gotu Kola",
                                                                                       and I've been told that you can take
                                                                                       a capsule, morning and evening,
                                                                                       indefinitely if you like,
                                                                                       from someone who is doing that.
                                                                                       Big changes can be seen in 2 weeks.

                                                                                       I think that if you do this,
                                                                                       the damage to your nervous system
                                                                                       can be repaired in a big way,
                                                                                       I've been taking it
                                                                                       for nearly 6 weeks now,
                                                                                       and my nervous system
                                                                                       is working much better and faster,
                                                                                       and it only took 1 month
                                                                                       for some major germs to be killed off.

                                                                                       What do you think, my love ?

text (c) Katherine Stuart 2017 

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Puzzle Pieces.......#3

(V)    Violence


Mel, I'm remembering.

They made me hold your feet down, when they were giving you those electric shocks.
I was staring into the distance, to a place far away, not looking at what was happening to you.

Did you think that I didn't care ?
No wonder you were angry at me !!

I wasn't looking, because I couldn't bear to see what they were doing to you.
It hurt me deeply.
I was tense and stressed.
I didn't know what to do to help you.
All I could think of, was to be gentle in how I touched your feet.

After all, I was only 6 years old (and you were 12).
(This occured in our "family meetings")

text (c) Katherine Stuart 2017

Monday, February 13, 2017

Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day, Mel

I love you more now, (and still want you), than ever

original text (c) Katherine Stuart 2017

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Steve Bannon


If you want the support of the
then you have to stop lying
to people.

People are not stupid.

Telling your publicist to release a statement, denying that you met with Steve Bannon,  
with a view to financing his film, "The Singularity: Resistance is Futile",
is just going to get you into difficulty.

What the statement should have said, was,
"I did meet with Steve Bannon, with a view to financing his film,
"The Singularity: Resistance is Futile", but in the end, I decided against it."

Meetings with people go on all the time, that is of no consequence.
What is important is that in the end, you did not support this project.

So my questions are,
"Did you say yes in the beginning?", or,
"Did you say no?"
"What were your true feelings about the content in this project?"
"Was this the meeting that you had, just prior to your DUI arrest, in July 2006?"

Obviously, you were arrested because you were speeding / driving erratically,
which would indicate a high level of emotional stress, ie. grief.
Which could be in turn, a result of your feelings about this project.

And -
You shouldn't have lied to Merrilyn and Jeff, about knowing me.
Merrilyn was very disappointed that you had lied to her.
She realised, when I said that you had bought the house next-door,
and she said that you had said it was someone else.

text (c) Katherine Stuart 2017   
Dochas Books Film                                           

Friday, February 10, 2017

Xandra's Game (4)

"Picnic at The Pinnacles"

I, Xandra, do love a picnic.

So, I am enjoying one, near,
The Pinnacles in Cheddar Gorge,
Somerset, UK.

The sun is shining,
but I have to say that
I don't like the cold wind !!

But, you can't go past this spectacular scenery
without stopping to take in the atmosphere.

So, as I relax back after eating my meal, to read my book,
I muse back on another picnic that happened here many years ago.

What happened on that fateful St Valentine's Day, so long ago ?
People want to know, my school friends want to know.

I didn't understand myself, at the time,
but things are clearer now.

Our school, which was run by a religious order,
had organised for us all to go on a trip,
to take in various significant sites to them, unbeknownst to us.

We were only a small school,
so there may have been only about 40 students.

So, on St Valentine's Day,
we found ourselves having a picnic near The Pinnacles.

The trip had gone from go to woe.
It was not a good time of year to be outdoors.
We were plagued with the fog, the rain and the mud.
At Cheddar Gorge,
a male teacher tried to force me to have sex with him,
at the back of a cave that we all went into,
as I was at the back of the queue of students,
and he was taking advantage of the darkness.
But, I fought him off.
And, at the base of The Pinnacles, the horse that was pulling our carriage,
collapsed and died from a heart attack,
as Julianne had started an argument with me.
One girl said this was a sign, a portent for a tragedy.
We were all on edge.

Walking up to the picnic spot,
we relayed the news about our horse to the others,
then sat down to try to have our picnic,

Tensions escalated,
and Julianne started another argument,
declaring, "I'm going to jump off the cliff and kill myself !"

Our group had been sitting to one side,
so I don't think the others heard what she said.
But, she jumped up and started heading to the track that led up to the cliff above,
with us and our teacher following, to try to stop her.

Once on top, I saw that Julianne was heading along a narrow ledge,
that led around the edge of a deep hole.
I now know that this hole used to be filled with water,
at the head of a waterfall.
All of a sudden, Julianne stopped.
Ahead of her, a huge doorway had opened up in the rock wall.
I glanced to my right, and noticed some unusual shapes,
carved into the rock wall beside me.
Something was coming out of the doorway !
It looked like a human frog.
It had arms and legs and a head like a human,
but it had a frog's skin from head to toe,
It was coming for us, and it wasn't alone !
I was terrified.
I had never seen anything like this in my life !

Julianne turned around, and started to push her way past us on the ledge.
When she came to me, she deliberately pushed me off,
and I fell into the deep hole, hitting my head and falling unconscious.
They must have thought I was dead.

Julianne escaped, to go back down the cliff to the others,
but my group of friends and our lovely teacher, Helena,
were grabbed and taken in through the doorway, it closing behind them,
and they were never to be seen again on the surface of this earth.

My dearest friends and our lovely teacher :(
How I mourned that day.

I was found a few days later, by a search party,
and taken back to the school, where I recovered enough to go home,
but I had severe damage from the head injury.

How then to proceed now, as I sit here at this very spot,
St Valentine's Day fast approaching again ?

I have overcome my head injury, though it is not cured.

I choose to follow my friends and our teacher,
through The Star Gate, into The Mines of Moria,
for that is what they are,
understanding that the carvings that I saw on the rock wall,
are used to open the door,
All you need to know, is the sequence in which to press them,
ie. The Code.

text (c) Katherine Stuart 2017

Wednesday, February 8, 2017


Mel, my love,

Part of having Faith,
is telling the truth.

And the truth is,
that Rosalind is Bruce Davey's girlfriend in secret,
and Lars Gerard is his son.

Kindness is gentleness of touch,
not taking on someone else's responsibilities.                      

God does not expect you to,
and you should not,
take the responsibility for someone else's mistakes,
or wrongdoing.

                                                   Similarly, Hannah deserves to know the truth,
                                                   about who her real father is.
                                                   You are not doing the right thing by anyone,
                                                   by keeping things secret.
                                                   People need to know the truth, for their own well-being.

text (c) Katherine Stuart 2017

Tuesday, February 7, 2017



Why are you enduring this terrible loneliness,
that's deep inside ?

Are you punishing yourself ?

Is it because you believe that you killed me
on that operating table ?
And now, you don't feel worthy of having me ?

Can't you forgive yourself ?

Are you going to endure this terrible loneliness
                                                                   until you die ?

text (c) Katherine Stuart 2017


Thursday, February 2, 2017

Computer Code #2

Well, I've finished Studio Course 2  :)

It taught me how to write simple
computer programs for
graphics and games.

Onto the next one,
"Studio Course 3",

(which is free),


This is a design that I made up myself  :)

(Create an account at
for yourself,
                                                                          then your work will be saved,
                                                                          and you can receive a certificate  :) )

Original artwork and text (c) Katherine Stuart 2017
Dochas Books Film