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Sunday, August 20, 2017

Film - "Terminator 2" in 3D

Last night ( Sun 20 Aug 2017),
I went to the Sydney Premiere,
of "Terminator 2 - Judgment Day 3D"
at the Ritz Cinema.

There was an introductory Q & A,
with James Cameron,
in a previously recorded Berlin session.
And also,
a specially pre-recorded welcome
from James to our audience at the Ritz !

Seeing the film in 3D,
certainly makes a greater impact,
as I've also seen it in 2D.

Here are some highlights from the night  :)

The Ritz Cinema lighting up
after sunset.

Announcing !!

A more modern version
of the bike used in the film.

This was available
for anyone to sit on,
and to take a photo of themselves.

The Red Carpet.

Waiting for it to start !!

There was a competition
for the best costume
if anyone had dressed up
in character,
and it went to a guy
wearing a silver mask
reminiscent of the
Terminator who was after
John Connor.

(c) Katherine Stuart 2017

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Mel, EAT !!

Mel, you need to EAT !!



I'm only on government assistance  :(

text (c) Katherine Stuart 2017

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Xandra's Game (10)

(SN)    Supernatural Themes

The Triad

Slowly, I put the big biscuit back into my satchel.

Then suddenly, a strong wave of uncomfortable energy passed through me.
"Why do I feel like my throat has just been cut ?" I thought.
Reeling inside from the impact,
I was aware of the deep hole behind me.
Standing strong, I stood as still as I could as the ledge was narrow.
I did not want to fall backwards.
"Been there, done that !!" I exclaimed, silently to myself.

Running away from this situation, I realised,
was not the answer.

Slowly taking out my written work, I  pondered,
"The answer lies in this maths problem."
When, all of a sudden,
the orc appeared behind Corinne, the Witch, and her two friends !!

Surprised by the suddeness, but not surprised that he was there,
I turned to my left to look at the man in leather.
When, I noticed that he was wearing a medallion around his neck.
At that moment,
a rumble emanated through the surrounding rock,
passing a deep vibration through the area and myself included.
It was then that I realised,
that the hole was in fact the cone of an extinct volcano,
and that was why there was iron oxide rock in and around it.
Maybe it wasn't so extinct !!

The man in leather and I exchanged looks,
and a deep unspoken communication.

Turning back to face the Stargate,
I saw that another figure had appeared, behind the orc.
"Is that......?" I thought, focusing my vision.
Immediately, the woman turned her back on me, under my gaze.
A moment later, she decided to turn back again
I looked again.
"Yes...... it is !!" I decided.
It was a woman who had been staying at Herdwick Manor,
whom I had made a dress for.
She looked every bit, the Witch.
Old, ugly, short,
and dressed all in black,
with a wide brimmed hat, waisted short coat, and pants like a man !!

text (c) Katherine Stuart 2017

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Sydney Observatory

Today I went to see the Sydney Observatory
(Sydney, Australia).

It was an afternoon well spent,
having a look at all the displays.

I find all the old equipment and methods,
for telling the time
and finding latitude and longitude for travel,
by the stars, fascinating.

There were also displays
on measuring the weather,
which was done at the observatory as well.

It was all extremely interesting.

Here is a telescope in the South Dome.

(c) Katherine Stuart 2017