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Monday, September 30, 2019

Behind the Scenes - Knitting

Hi Guys  :)
I thought I'd give a "behind the scenes"
look into my living space,
and how I'm using this
to do my knitting.

I've been here for 3 and a half years now.
I love it, because the people are great,
and there is a Thai restaurant upstairs.
As anyone living in Sydney, Australia,
can appreciate,
accommodation prices are expensive,
so this is what I can afford,
just a room,
but, it's worked out very well for me.

As you can see,
there's a bench type table to the left,
        195 cm x 42 cm
Actually, it's an old, wooden, linen press door.
And it comes with the room.

I overlay it with the covering provided.

Then a thin or thick blanket,
depending on what the project requires.

Then 2 flat green garbage bags, folded.

These are the type that are flat at the bottom,
where they are joined, not bunched up.
These are to protect the blanket, etc,
from moisture, when the project is blocked.


Then the project is blocked.

The top end is where I sit and knit.

It's a tight space,
but it works  :)

(c) Katherine Stuart 2019
Dochas Books Film