Catalogue of Posts

Saturday, December 14, 2024

Merry Christmas 2024

 Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year everyone :)

I hope you all have a safe and relaxed holiday, whatever you are doing :)

See you all in  2025 :)

Saturday, November 23, 2024

IO 6 - 24 - OMEGA

 The symbol of Omega, I believe, represents a fine wire choker necklace of gold.

In turn, this represents the science of Alchemy, in general.

I'm not sure where the centre of this occupation was, but an interesting article did pop up on the internet before, although I can't find it again. This outlined a recent unearthing of a temple in Portugal / Spain, which had a large floor mosaic of the Omega symbol, central in the temple, it would seem.

I think that possibly this temple could actually have been a centre, where the science of Alchemy was being taught, to a select few most likely.

The gold wire choker could also have come to symbolise something which goes full circle, as in life, and then is completed or ends.

(c) Katherine Stuart 2024

Dochas Books Film

Friday, November 15, 2024

IO 6 - 23 - PSI


I believe that the symbol for PSI represents the capital of Malta, as viewed from the sky.

This may have been the complex, housing a massive prison and experimental facility, where prisoners were genetically altered into part human and part animal (and maybe also even part plant) beings. 

SI is the name of one such male prisoner, who escaped the prison and experimentation, only to be genetically infected by a humanimal later. Though, he retained his human mind, and must have become the object of intense study at a later date and another place, safe and far away.

See my previous blog post about the film "The Osiris Child".

Text (c) Katherine Stuart 2024

Dochas Books Film

Sunday, November 10, 2024

IO 6 - 14 - KSI


The symbol originally represented the mountain range shape around Machu Piccu, as seen from the air.

Place -  Machu Piccu, Peru


              The Nasca Plain

Commodity -  Competition and research proving ground for rocket fueled motorcycle and airship type vehicles.

Saturday, November 2, 2024

IO 6 - 12-13 - MU & NU

 MU & NU

Either side of the then and now, International Date-line at French Polynesia.

MU - On the West side,


          Looking into the past, to the setting sun,

          Think - Muse, Museum

          Possibly incorporating a university style            library.

Nu - On the East side,


         Looking into the future, to the rising sun,

         Think - New  

         Possibly incorporating a university style           research centre.

(c) Katherine Stuart 2024

Dochas Books Film

Saturday, October 26, 2024


 My computer is not working, so, sorry guys, this will have to be a short entry through my phone.

Looking at Marble Canyon, Arizona USA, there is the Colorado River, and then some grey formations to the North of that and some to the South East. The latter look like dragon scales. But, the former look like a Titan who is lying back-down. I think this might be Gaia. It seems that she was holding something, maybe a laser) and it has massively overloaded and electrocuted her, throwing her backwards, turning her upper body to petrified ash and lower body from the hips down, to plasma, melting it away. A high emotional state can interact and amplify electricity that is not contained, ie., not insulated. When she was standing, holding the weapon, she would have been facing toward North Africa and the Titan and crocodile, mentioned in my last post. 

(c) Katherine Stuart 2024

Dochas Books Film

Tuesday, October 22, 2024


So, what happened to the fish and the dragon, Typhon, and the others ?
Roger Spurr, of Mudfossil University,
mentioned in his video –

(at  6.40 sec – 10.04 sec),
that he did an experiment
where he passed electricity through
raw chicken flesh, in salty water,
and the minerals in the flesh grouped together to form crystals,
giving it a granular texture.
This, I would say, could cause the flesh to become solid,
ie., petrified.
Maybe depending on how strong the electric current is,
it could be instantaneous.
This may have been what happened to Typhon and the fish etc.
Typhon and the two fish were already dead, though, I would say.
But, the crocodile and the person were alive, it seems.
This most likely, happened in The 1 st  Age,
See my blog post –
Where the environment was possibly very humid,
the air being very moist,
and the ground being swamp-like for the most part.
This would have enabled a high degree of electrical conductivity
around the globe.
What if -
Something awoke the crocodile and the person from their rest,
an unusual sound perhaps,
followed closely by a flash wave of intense electrical current and heat,
electrocuting, petrifying, melting, burning and ashing everything in its path,
as described by Roger, in his video –

concerning the effects of producing energy from a laser,
ie.   a nuclear event.
Following close behind would be the explosive wave,
breaking apart anything that was still vulnerable.
Maybe so explosive,
that small and Titan alike, Plants and Animals; and;  
natural and “man” made structures,
were ripped apart,
body parts being sent flying into space,
possibly because they are not as attached to the Earth
as physical structures.
Was the vapour layer damaged / destroyed at this point ?
I don’t know.
So, where would such an event have been initiated ?
Looking at The Grand Canyon of the USA,
this appears to be a Lichtenberg Figure of Titanic proportions –
A Lichtenberg Figure is the feathered pattern
that can be created by electricity moving and burning through a material,
such as wood, acrylic or the soil etc. -

This is the Grand Canyon –

Where does this massive Lichtenberg Figure originate ?
There seem to be two major arms, the one going to the South West, above,
and the one going to the North East –

And where is the Central Point of Origin ?
It would seem to be Marble Canyon –

Text © Katherine Stuart 2024
Dochas Books Film

Sunday, October 13, 2024


So, I’d like to expand on what Roger Spurr,
of Mudfossil University,
has discovered, concerning –
            The Fish    and    The Dragon, Typhon
Roger has found them petrified, along the Northern Edge of Africa –

In this video, Roger mentions that the story goes that,
Pan tempted Typhon with a banquet of fish,
and this enticed him out, to feast,
which is when Zeus struck him with his sword
and killed him.
There seem to be many variations on the exact events,
from different accounts, down the ages –
So, what really happened ?
Roger has shown from the petrified remains,
that Typhon did die from a sword cut to his neck,
while he was chewing on a fish.
Here is a map of The Sahara Desert etc., along the North of Africa -

And this is what I can see in it –




The Shark has been cut mid-way to obtain a chunk of fish steak –
eg.    A Red Salmon Steak chunk

I thought, to begin with,
that it was a Salmon, with the rounded hump in its back,
like this Pink Salmon -

But its eye is a round, mostly black pupil,
whereas fish tend to have a small, round, black pupil,
with a large round silvery area around it.
Its snout is also longer than the salmon’s.
The tail has a very long top section,
whereas a fish generally has short lengths to its tail.
So, these things fit in with it being a Shark,
like this Tiger Shark -

The cuts to obtain the chunk of fish steak are very clean and straight.
Who cut the shark up ?
It would have to be a person of Titanic size,
as the Shark is also of titanic size.
If anybody knows anything about animals -
I do from keeping Guinea Pigs (Hamsters) -
if they run away,
you can entice them back more easily with food.
This is what has been done here.
Pan, it would seem,
has killed the Shark, cutting a piece of it out,
and placed that nearby,
to entice Typhon into a position
where he will be distracted sufficiently when eating,
so that he can be attacked,
by those lying in wait.
There is also another fish, strategically placed, nearby –

This looks to me to be a Flying Fish,
like this one –

The eye of which is, “The Eye of Africa”.
And which is consistent with the way the eye of a fish looks like,
after it’s been dead for a while,
ie., sunken into rings.
Zeus is said to have killed Typhon,
and definitely,
Typhon is still in the pose where he was chewing
on the Dorsal Fin of the Shark
when his throat was cut.
Looking around the Sahara for more evidence,
I saw this –

It’s a Titanic Person !!
But, it’s not Pan,
because Pan was a half human man, half goat –

And I’m pretty sure that I can see a large bird’s wing
coming from this person’s shoulder.
Man or woman, I don’t know.
But, their hair streams out behind them,
and could be whitish / blonde like the wing.
They are wearing what looks to be a cloak
fastened at the front, at the top of the chest,
which is also flowing, forcefully behind them.
Their face and body are very grey.
They seem to be lying down, but their eye is open.
And they seem to be lying against
what seems to be a Crocodile,
or what is partly a Crocodile –

The crocodile’s snout is very distinctive.
its eye is alert,
the iris of which is definitely reptilian.
Other entities are overlapping it.
And, there are a whole lot of other things all jumbled up
amongst them.
This scene has been frozen in time,
petrified in an instant.
It may be true,
that (Queen) Gaia of Mount Olympus,
was using subterfuge to manipulate
her violent and destructive children for her own ends.
And that war escalated in the world of theTitans,
against these children,
in a bid to imprison them.
And, Typhon was her last hope,
so that when she saw that he was dead,
she snapped,
and “Pressed the Button”,
unleashing a Nuclear Reaction of Global Proportions.
Why I say that, is that maybe,
the crocodile and the person were resting
after Typhon was killed,
were alerted awake, their eyes flicking open all of a sudden,
and a great wind swept back the hair and cloak of the person.
Then the person’s flesh was turned to ash,
but not dry enough to float away,
retaining enough moisture to stay intact.
This type of scenario is outlined by Roger Spurr,
of Mudfossil University,
in his video –

Maybe, this also happened at the same time.
Text © Katherine Stuart 2024
Dochas Books Film