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Sunday, May 26, 2024


So, where do Titans fit into the history of the Earth ?
Because, I’m finding it a bit difficult to get my head around
what happened and when, not having lived in those times.
But, I have been watching a lot of movies and documentaries,
and this is what I’ve pieced together so far -
(The following, is my supposition, only)
The Universe, including the Earth was formed,
and that is when its history began -
From that POINT OF ORIGIN    ( 0 Years)    onwards,
there have been    2    Major Objects    Moving through Time –

One object changes in small, regular increments,
moving in a SPIRAL pattern,.
So it won’t go back to the POINT OF ORIGIN,
or the conditions there.
And, the other moves in a TANGENTIAL, STRAIGHT LINE.
When this line moves too far away from the first object,
it makes a dramatic right angle change in direction,
in order to come back into contact with the first object.
When this dramatic right angle change occurs,
it causes a GLOBAL RESET.,
when the Earth’s weather pattern changes dramatically.
And, in between each RESET,
there is an    AGE OF THE EARTH,
when global, environmental pattern conditions stay the same.
1st AGE 
Earth’s Global Weather System  -  SPRING

Characterised by –
             -       A permanent high altitude vapour layer,
             through which the sun and moon could be seen, although hazy
       -     Warm temperatures
       -     High humidity,
             which condensed as a mist and kept things moist, creating swamps
Predominant vegetation  -  JUNGLE
Colour of the sky  -  Vanilla

2nd AGE
Earth’s Global Weather System  -  SUMMER

Characterised by –
                   A clear sky, with no vapour, allowing UV radiation in,
            through which the sun and moon could be seen clearly,
            and also the stars for the first time
             -       Very hot temperatures
             -       Very dry air,    
            with water available mainly at the artesian and sub-artesian level,
            there being a system of interlocking rivers and lakes
Predominant vegetation  -  DESERT
Colour of the sky  -  Purple
3rd AGE
Earth’s Global Weather System  -  AUTUMN

Characteristed by –
             -       Some Vapour in the atmosphere
             -       Cool temperatures
             -       Medium humidity,
            with water mainly pooled in the sea with a high salt content,
            but evaporating without the salt into the atmosphere,    
            condensing as mist or cloud,
            falling as rain,
            and running through the river and lake system
            back to the sea
Predominant vegetation  -  Forest and Grassland
Colour of the sky  -  Teal  /  Turquoise
In 2024   (the present year in the Gregorian Calendar of the Western World),
we are currently in this    3rd AGE,
but not for much longer.
4th AGE
Earth’s Global Weather System  -  WINTER

Characterised by –
             -       Very cold temperatures
            creating clear skies,
            alternating with snow storms and blizzards
             -       Most vapour will be locked up as ice
Predominant vegetation  -  Tundra
Colour of the sky  -  Greenish Yellow
Because the first three ages have followed the same pattern
as the seasonal yearly cycle,
present in the Temperate Climate of the 3rd Age,
I am supposing that the    4th AGE   
will most likely also follow this scenario and be a Winter.
Between    AGES  1  &  2,
there seems to have been a catastrrophic global reset,
which was said to have been caused by a Comet.
This occurred over one night.
It involved the build up and display
of strong orange electromagnetic radiation
in the sky, globally.
These reached a peak of intense, high energy,
resulting in a    FLASHPOINT.
Various things happened at this point, depending on proximity
to the source or sources of the Flashpoint / s.
Closest  -  All living matter, humans, animals, and plants,
were turned to ash and disintegrated.
Further Away  -  All these things were turned to ash,
but still retained some moisture,
so effectively turned to stone. That is, they became petrified.
Further Away Still  -  Trees, natural and volcanic gas and oil areas,
ignited to create huge fireballs,
melting the flesh offf humans and animals,
charing the jungles and buildings,
and destroying all life in the topsoil, including the seeds.
Not all areas on the Earth were decimated, though,
and life still existed.
However, the vapour canopy had been destroyed,
and this resulted in the beginning of harmful UV radiation
with its intense heat being let in,
drying out the land and making it predominantly desert,
with the water relegated to the lakes and rivers system, 
and subterrranean, only.
Between  AGES  2  &  3,
there was THE FLOOD.
Water rained from the sky for 40 days and 40 nights,
the subterranean coffers releasing the water that was held there,
such that the whole Earth was flooded
to about    15 m    above the highest peaks.
The water remained at that level for about    1 year.
Then the water receeded,
but only to expose what was previously considered
to be the Highlands.
All the land that had been the Lowlands
has remained underwater in the ocean.
Between  AGES  3  &  4
We are currently going through
the    12 year    reset
which began at the start of    2020    and will finish at the end of    2031
(years in the Gregorian Calendar of the Western World).
Because the first two resets were so cataclysmic,
one would expect that this reset is also building to another terrible climax.
One obvious global factor which seems to be building at the moment,
is the strength of the Auroras,
The Northern and Southern Lights in the atmosphere,
at the respective poles of the Earth.
The catastrophic event may be linked to this build up.
Constructing an accurate Timeline from  
is very difficult.
Events that occurred before THE FLOOD are not entirely clear.
But, I am understanding that -
AGE 1  -  was a few humdred years long
AGE 2  -  was longer than  AGE 1
AGE 3  -  has been longer than  AGE 2
Which means that,
AGE 4  -  will most likely be longer than  AGE 3
This stands to reason, as –
AGE 1  -  was a time of major volcanic activity.
This created great soil fertility, and also steam,
which produced the vapour canopy.
These conditions allowed abundant plant life to flourish,
which could in turn feed abundant animals and humans.
Humans all had the one language,
so communication with each other was easy.
These things enabled human society to advance quickly,
to a level comparable with today, or even further.
But this happened in a much shorter time,
taking only a few hundred years to reach its climax.
AGE 2  -  was a time of intense UV radiation.
This drove humans to live and work underground,
eg. Cappadocia, Turkey, 
but, it also stimulated the growth of certain entities.
Pathogenic micro-organisms multiplied exponentially
within many human bodies,
to take over control of those bodies,
hence, the humans became zombies.
Especially as a direct consequence of THE FLASH.
Advancement of human society was a bit slower,
because of these and other issues,
including diminished food and other resources,
eventhough there was still one language between all people.
This is why I am supposing that  
AGE 2    was slower to reach its climax, than    AGE 1,
hence was longer than    AGE 1.
AGE 3  -
In the early stages of    AGE 3,
the one common language was split into many dialects,
which were so broad (different in accent to the original),
that they have been considered languages on their own.
This has been the single major factor
to slow down development of the global human society in this age.
As groups of people with these different dialects
have found it extremely difficult to communicate,
and hence work together on any global projects.
This is why    AGE 3    has taken much longer
to reach its climax of development.
The history of    AGE 3    is still coherent and available to us,
such that we know that its length is definitely at least    2,000 years,
being something more like    3,000 years, plus,    long.
AGE 4 –
In this age, resources will be much more difficult to obtain.
Growth of plants will be much less, and slower.
Human activity will once again be relegated mainly to the underground,
where temperature can be regulated more easily
and maintained at a comfortable human level of tolerance.
These things will cause human society and its development
to slow down dramatically.
Life will be more introspective than extrospective,
more home orientated than outside in the world.
This fits in with my understanding that,
AGE 4    will be longer than    AGE 3,
as it will take much longer for human society to reach a climax again,
under these conditions.   
So, where do the Titans fit into all of this ?
I would have to suppose that the mighty trees,
that grew many miles across and many miles high,
first came into being in    AGE 1,
where the conditions were optimal for this exponential growth.
It would stand to reason,
that this wealth of nutrition would in turn
stimulate exponential growth in animals and humans,
allowing them to attain massive size as well.
The Dinosaurs would fit in at this point,
other giant animals and humans as well.
But, maybe not all grew to massive size,
and it was only some that did.
So, this may have been the situation in    AGE 1.
In    AGE 2    the vegetation had been decimated in large part.
So, there would not have been enough food
for the giant animals and humans.
However, their bodies would have probably, at the same time,
been stimulated to grow even further by the UV radiation,
that was now abundant.
Legends describe giant animals and humans
eating normal sized humans.

Maybe this is why.

But, because of the UV radiation,
they quickly grew to even more massive sizes,
and would not have been able to see normal sized humans anymore.
Maybe they turned on each other,
killing and eating those giant animals and humans
that were smaller than them.
Such that, only a few dominant giant animals and humans
grew to even more massive sizes,
even the size of a modern day country.
Maybe this situation could not have lasted for long,
and quickly resulted in    THE CLASH OF THE TITANS,
where they attacked and killed each other,
leaving none left.
Though, I think not all reached those sizes,
and there were still smaller giant animals and humans, of various size,
roaming the countryside in search of food.
There are accounts of giant humans still existing
after    THE FLOOD    in the early years of    AGE 3,
where there is no great nutrition,
and no excess UV radiation.
So that would suggest to me,
that the predisposition to exponential size
was being carried genetically, by that time in history.
And, some people still to this day,
have a hint of this size difference.
So, that puts that into some sort of perspective, I suppose.
What do you think ?
Text © Katherine Stuart 2024
Dochas Books Film

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