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Tuesday, July 9, 2024

IO 4 - The 4 Colours

So, how to ascribe the    4    Colours to the     4    Industries ?
They, being –



The decision may have been based on the metallurgic processes required
to produce each of the states of Iron Oxide.
There may be a progression in the process,
but I don’t know, as I’m not a chemist.
However, I did come across a very interesting research paper,
entitled –
where it explains that the science of Alchemy had attained a spiritual significance,
the alchemist having equated the changes in the state of iron oxide,
to changes in a person’s state of being (during the cycle of the day) thus -
Black    - the earthly encounter   - awareness of the earthly nature in us

White    - the stage of the moon  - conciousness of our soul nature

Yellow   - the stage of the sun     - the dawning of the “solar light”
                                                       of creative intelligence,
                                                       inherent in our being

Red      - a purifying fourth fire    - a burning and vehement fire, as of fusion, 
                                                       where heaven and earth 
                                                       in the alchemist are united
                                                       (a thinly veiled reference to sex ?)
So, it would stand to reason that, the  4  Corporate Sectors had been ascribed 
these colours –
            Design and Management Occupations                             YELLOW
            Spirtual and other Communication Occupations               WHITE
            Hospitality and Entertainment Occupations                       RED
Occupations involved with the ground                              BLACK
   and digging into it
Such –

© Katherine Stuart
Dochas Books Film

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