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Friday, September 13, 2024

IO 6-4 - DELTA

No. 4                                


I think this could definitely be applied
to the Nile Delta, in Egypt,
especially if approached from the North -

Where the major commodity produced, was –

Khorasan  - an ancient strain of wheat,
                    could very well have been
                    a major product
                    in Ancient Egypt.

Was the society of Ancient Egypt in existence in  AGES 1  &  2,
before the Biblical Flood?
It may have been.
But, does this Delta only exist because the Mediterranean Sea has enabled its formation ?
I would say that the Mediterranean Sea has only formed since the Biblical Flood.
And, I would say that this list of commodities was well established,
and at its peak by then.
I was interested to know if there was an earlier  Delta  that would be visible on Google Maps,
in the relative area, and this is what I found –


Submerged in the Mediterranean Sea,
is what looks to be a triangular area, delineated by what could be a fairly straight cliff edge,
and  2  straight lines.
The straight lines could have been  “rocket roads”.
What I mean by that is, a straight road, made the same way as any road,
but they are straight because they are for the use of rocket fuelled transport vehicles,
such as motorbike type designs, which could not, and didn’t need to, turn corners,
and could cover great distances, quickly.
Similarly, you can see these straight lines going to, what looks to be a built up area
at the South East of the triangle.
This is halfway between Tripoli (Libya, Africa) and the island of Crete –

Could this have been the original  Delta  ?


Text © Katherine Stuart 2024
Dochas Books Film

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