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Wednesday, December 14, 2016

The Red Eye

(D)    Drug Use

The Red Eye

So, every now and then, whenever I get sick or very stressed,
because I think I might even have the measles at the moment,
I have no idea how, but anyway,
my right eye gets very red.
This is a recurring affliction that has come from an incident,
that took place when I was not even a few weeks old.

My parents needed to go out, 
but they didn't want to take me with them,
I am first born, so I was the only child at the time.
So, I was in my bed, lying on my back,
it may have even been a drawer from a cupboard,
as my parents had little in the early days,

Then my father injected heroin,
into the left side of my neck,
so that I would be paralysed and not able to cry,
and hence alert anyone that I was home alone.

I was then rolled onto my left side,
so that I was facing away from the window of the bedroom.

Then my mother placed a bath mat or something similar,
over me, so that no-one could see me from the window,
if they should happen to come over.

The bath mat had dirt in it,
and some fell into my right eye.
The dirt must have also had some germs on it,
as they have been in the corner of my eye ever since,
and developed into conjunctivitis, 
when we moved to Darwin, Australia, when I was a teenager,
because of the tropical conditions.
In my 30's, 
this developed into the "red eye" situation that you can see above.

So ....... they left me alone in the house,
my mother coming back later with the groceries.

As to my parents abusing me with illegal drugs (and other things),
this occurred frequently from when I was in the womb, 
until I was 6 years old, nearly 7,
when I stood up to them, 
and it all ended suddenly.

I don't remember going through withdrawal.
But, I have never used illegal drugs myself,
and have never had the urge to.
I would put this down to my physiology,
which is strong chemically. 


(c) Katherine Stuart 2016 

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