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Sunday, October 15, 2017

Film - "Three Summers"

Hi Everyone,

This afternoon / evening
I went to the
Sydney Premiere
of the film
"Three Summers",
written and directed by
Ben Elton.

there was a  Q & A  session afterwards
with Ben Elton himself,
and one of the principal actors,
Michael Caton.

It is an engaging film
highlighting the present
socio-political issues
in Australia today.
It makes you laugh
(which can be hard for a film to do)
but is serious too.

Ritz Cinema - Randwick
(Sydney, Australia)

The  Q & A  session
was entertaining in itself !!

And I thoroughly enjoyed both  :)

Ben Elton
Michael Caton
photo of cinema (c) Katherine Stuart 2017
text (c) Katherine Stuart 2017

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