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Sunday, May 29, 2022

Film - "Top Gun: Maverick" (2022)


I haven't seen the movie yet,
but I'm sure it will be worth it.

I have seen, however,
some promo videos,
and I thought I'd share the links here.

My daughter, Josie, was in the Air Cadets.
Jo, it's no coincidence,
that I'm going to see this film on Monday, your birthday.
Things to come, so,
a Very Happy Birthday from me.

Tom Cruise takes James Corden for a "Top Gun" day out !
So, Tom is an ace pilot himself,
see for yourself, in -

Tom takes an F/A-18 for a spin,
30 feet above the desert floor.
Is that Tom in complete control of the aircraft ?
What do you think ?

text (c) Katherine Stuart 2022
Dochas Books Film

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