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Saturday, December 23, 2023

Film - "Interview with the Vampire" (1994)

This is a pretty intense storyline,
just having to get around the
whole concept of vampires.
but it flowed very well.
So that suggests to me that
someone is very familiar with
the subject.
the opening sequence floats in to the
Port of San Francisco, turns left,
then heads up the street,
to a motel,where
the interview with the vampire
is underway.
As soon as I saw this,
I was polarised on to the film,
as there is exactly the same street plan
here at Coogee, Sydney, Australia.

As I don’t have a drone,
I can’t replicate the approach to the Port,
but, here you can see the ocean ,
and the way in to the “dock”.

Just from the side,
with a better view of the “dock”.

Turning around to see,
what I think could be the site
of an ancient landing pad,
and, the main street
going up into the distance.

Turning left at the road
behind the “landing pad”,
and heading up.

You come to this intersection.
There used to be a tram line
that ran past here.
The cream coloured building
houses apartments.

Here is a better look at it.
The style is the same idea,
as that of the building
depicted in the film.
Excluding the film poster photo
© Katherine Stuart 2023
Dochas Books Film

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