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Saturday, August 24, 2024

IO 6-1 - ALPHA

So, I am understanding
that the Greek Alphabet is a List of important economic commodities 
which were produced and controlled up until the end of the  2nd AGE,
by  24  entities, each represented by a symbol,
which may describe a dominant shape in the landscape
easily seen by approach from the air.
This shows me,
that this List indicated the major players in  Global Trade,
during this time.
So, I think that the name of the above particular version of the alphabet,
being  Koine,  ie. Coin,
may indicate that it was the mainstream version
describing the global trading partners,
the forerunners of something like The United Nations, if you like.
I think also, that these commodities, and hence the entities producing them,
were ascribed a number, ranking them from  1,  being the most important, downwards.
Also, I think that the word,
inherently means
            COUNT       R      V I
ie.         Vying to be counted amongst the most important   (or elite).

No. 1       

ie.    ALP   "H"   A
      A   (particular)   Alp  (snow-capped
                                        mountain peak)
Most probably in the close vicinity,
and helping to mark the position of  –

The Salzburg  (Salts Town)
Salt Mine
Which must have been
the leading world producer of –

Which must have been the  No. 1  commodity.
Probably as a food (meat) preservative.   
Switzerland, nearby, is still the centre of the ultra wealthy
and  No.1  world, economic and government activity.
Salt has probably been transported in many different types of baskets / containers,
but, I think that one predominant way,
particularly in the  2nd AGE  with the dry environment,
was using this type
as one could be easily swung either side of a donkey or mule –

These can be seen in this photo,
with the resultant cone of salt 
that would have been delivered to the customer -

Text © Katherine Stuart 2024
Dochas Books Film

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