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Friday, April 2, 2021

Basic Graphics - Circle Corrections

I have been doing a lot of work
trying to get the next shape
in the graphics sequence,
and discovered an aberration 
in my version of Python 3.8  32-bit.

I don't know if this is the case 
for everyone downloading this version.

But I discovered,
that when drawing the circle,
this program doesn't produce
a balanced shape.

For a circle of -

the four equidistant points on the circle are -
    (0.00, 0.00)
    (57.79, -56.79) 
    (1.00, -114.59)
    (-56.79, -57.79)
    (-0.00, 0.00)

They should be balanced, something like -
    (0.00, 0.00)
    (57.29, -57.29)
    (0.00, -114.58)
    (-57.29, -57.29)
    (0.00, 0.00)

On closer inspection of the 4 points,
I found them to all be 
one pixel to the left of where they should be.

With some trial and error, I discovered,
that if I correct the initial orientation of the arrow, by

       Pt.right(0.5)            degrees

Then, the 4 equidistant points on the new circle are -
    (0.00, 0.00)
    (57.30, -57.30)
    (-0.00, -114.59)
    (-57.30, -57.30)
    (-0.00, 0.00)

Which can be seen to be balanced.

So I advise, if you have this problem 
when drawing a circle on this program, 
then make the adjustment of -


at the beginning of the sequence.


Also, I had been using -

    n  =  radius / 57.35

This seems to be a little inaccurate, from observing above, that -

    2  x  radius  =  114.59


    radius  =  114.59 / 2
                =  57.295

    when the program is moving at the base level of -

    n    =    the chord subtended by a    1 degree    turn of the circle

Hence, to get a circle of the desired radius here, using -


n    needs to be adjusted to -

    n  =  radius / 57.295

For example, if a circle is required, of -

    radius  =  50

in this program, the adjustment needed is -

    n  =  50 / 57.295

which gives you a chord that is slightly shorter, 
and the circle drawn will end up with -

    radius  =  50


    radius  =  57.295

I have tested this,
and it is accurate enough up to -
    radius  = 400

which is a circle that is a bit larger 
than an approx. 39cm (diagonal) computer screen.


text (c) Katherine Stuart 2021
Dochas Books Film

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