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Sunday, April 25, 2021

The 2 Mels - cont'd

So, back a couple or so years ago, I went to see the films,
"Professor and the Madman", and, "Dragged Across Concrete".

And because of some subtle Freudian slips,
I was able to determine,
that the person acting as Mel Gibson in these two films,
is not the real Mel Gibson, but his understudy and "body double".

How do I know that ?
Because, I know the understudy, and I know the real Mel Gibson.

I also know, that this understudy / body double,
has taken over the role of being Mel Gibson way too seriously,
in that he now believes he is Mel Gibson.

How long has this been going on ?  
Since the film  "We Were Soldiers" ? 
I don't know.

And it is this understudy / body double
who has / had been constantly
in the presence of Rosalind Ross.

I have no doubt
that they are / were in a relationship.

But, how far has he gone ?
Is he Lars' daddy?
Not the real Mel Gibson ?

text (c) Katherine Stuart 2021
Dochas Books Film

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