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Sunday, April 25, 2021

Renovation - Furniture Pieces

Hi Guys  :)
I've been busy painting and varnishing, helping to renovate some furniture pieces, 
for Gigi, who decides the design,
before winter sets in, here in Sydney, Australia.

Some pieces that have been completed are -

A Washstand
This is an old-fashioned table,
which was used
before there was indoor plumbing.
On top would sit 
a large basin and jug full of water.
The drawer would hold 
cakes of soap and a towel.
The bottom shelf is for the jug when empty, 
as the basin would be full of dirty soapy water 
when finished, ready to be collected and emptied.
This was used to "have a wash",
cleaning one's face and personal areas,
on days between having the weekly bath.

Wooden Step
A home-made step,
to enable customers
to easily enter
Gigi's restaurant.

A Chest of 3 Drawers
This is a modern piece made of pine.
But, with antique looking
blue and white knobs,
it looks very antique.

(c) Katherine Stuart 2021
Dochas Books Film

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