I have come to realise,
that the Greek Alphabet was originally,
and is actually, a List.
It would seem that the
Greek Alphabet has had many variations,
and has changed over the millennia.
But, I am thinking that
there is always a version that stays close to the original,
and I will use this one
as an example –
Koine Greek
which I accessed from -
and which I have arranged
in order to have the vowels aligned down the left side –
The understanding that I
have come to,
is that each capital “letter”
is a symbolic representation
of a particular place,
producing a particular important commodity.
And that some of these
symbols, if not all, are drawn from
viewing that place from
an approach by air.
History tells us that the
ancient, mainstream Greek Alphabet
originally had 20
letters (symbols).
Then another letter was
added (I don’t know which one)
increasing to 21.
And later, 3 other
symbols ( Phi, Chi and Psi )
were added, to make 24.
In the film –
The Osiris Child
Science Fiction Volume One” (2017)
Sy (Psi / Psy) is a human man
whose blood becomes
through a wound inflicted
by a humanimal,
ie., a human genetically
crossed with an animal,
a Komodo Dragon I am
supposing, in this case.
His body changes to
become a Komodo Dragon
superimposed on a human
But, unlike the original humanimals,
human genetics retained dominance.
The prison from which he
and these humanimals escaped,
and where the humanimals
were genetically engineered,
I believe, was that which
are now known as the cities of
Valletta and Floriana, in
Malta –
These cities and surrounding
built up areas, seen from the air,
if approaching from the
can be represented this
way –
I would say that Sy was
the subject of much study,
spawning the industry of
Psychology / Psychiatry
and was represented by
this symbol,
and called -
In this film,
Sy travels through what I
would say was
the area that is now the
Mediterranean Sea,
but was then, just a
series of lakes and shallow swamps.
To my mind, this places
this film
during the time of
the 2nd AGE,
before the Biblical
See my blog post –
So to my mind, this would
set the time of the addition of the
3 added symbols,
to during the
2nd AGE,
and the addition of the
first added symbol, probably
late 1st
or early 2nd AGE.
But, definitely the (alphabet)
List was stable at
24 (Major) Commodities
the Biblical Flood,
I would say.
Text © Katherine Stuart
Dochas Books Film