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Wednesday, October 2, 2024

IO 6-8 - THETA

No. 8 


Also represented, as –


To my mind, this is the representation of the city of
Aqua Terra  (Atlantis) –

See my blog post –

Which may have originally been represented, thus –

Or even, thus -

Through the ages,
I think that this city was called,

Aqua Terra ,Aqua Terra,  Aqua Terra
(Water Land, Water Land, Water Land),

or Aqua Terra  for short.

Then  Terra for shorter.

Then Therra.

Then Theta.
Where the main commodity produced was most likely –
Including, most probably the most important: Quartz crystals -

As quartz crystals have been a major commodity
in the communication industry etc.,
in crystal radio sets and quartz watches (and clocks) etc.,
because of its natural ability to produce an electrical voltage
and also resonate with sound frequencies,
I can see that it is highly possible
that these qualities were known and used in the ancient world.
And the concept of a perfectly formed quartz crystal
having a polarity (of sorts),
with a difference in the electrical charge
from one end to the other (of sorts),
with one “end” of the crystal being more reactive, than the other,
could very well have led to the use of the symbol –

for the more active state
(a lot like the rumbling volcano,
the main vent of which,
the city was sitting on)
Simplified to –

So also,
maybe a logical choice for a symbol to represent the less active state,
would be less of the above symbol, ie. –

From the study of this phenomenon,
most likely in Aqua Terra,
could very well have come the understanding of electricity
and the development of the idea of the battery –
eg.  a modern day battery

Text © Katherine Stuart 2024
Dochas Books Film

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