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Thursday, November 17, 2016

The Girl on the Beach

(D)    Drug Use
(S)    Sex Scene
(V)    Violence

The Girl on the Beach

So Mel,
(and anyone else who is interested)

I've tried to put all the pieces together of this puzzle,
of what really happened to the girl on the beach,
and this is my understanding  -

When you were going to NIDA in Sydney in the 1970's,
you were sharing a house at Coogee with  3  other guys,
and you were also going out with Debra Lawrence,
who was in the same year as you at NIDA.

On your birthday,
you all had a party at your house to celebrate it.

The party was underway during the evening,
when you overheard Debra talking to her sister
(forgive me if I'm getting this wrong),
and you thought you heard Debra say to her sister,
that she was pregnant, and that it was to Bruce.

Well, of course, you went into a tailspin.
There was a massive argument between you and Debra,
you latched onto her sister out of revenge,
and you, Debra's sister and Bruce 
headed to the beach with a pizza.

By this time, it was dark.

Finding a secluded part of Coogee Beach,
the three of you had a private party.
And yes, the three of you were using drugs,
which was probably the case 
at the party at the house as well.
And you had revenge sex with Debra's sister.

But, while the two of you weren't watching,
Bruce deliberately put an overdose of drugs
on one of the pieces of pizza,
and later, when the two of you had finished,
he gave her that piece.

Because of this, she went into cardiac arrest,
and "died" in front of you.

She was taken to the hospital,
but pronounced dead.

So, another "girlfriend" had died supposedly
as a consequence of your actions.

This scenario is so similar to that in my blog entry,
"Life and Death",
that I have to suppose that Bruce 
had taken his instruction from my father.

But, what you didn't realise, Mel,
is that it was Debra's sister that you heard
saying that she was pregnant to Bruce, 
that Bruce manipulated you 
into coming to the beach with him and her,
and that Bruce manipulated you into thinking,
that she died because you had sex with her. 

And all because, 
he didn't want to take responsibility for raising the baby............


"Mel" refers to Mel Gibson,
the actor/director/producer/screenwriter/television executive
"Bruce" refers to Bruce Davey,
Mel's business partner.

text (c) Katherine Stuart 2016

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